Our Expertise

Sectors & Industries

We work in all manner of different industries and sectors.

We started in Theatre, but have found ourselves more and more doing everything but theatre! From Crematoria, to Municipal buildings, Defence manufacturers to Art launches. Each different sector brings a differing approach to practices, and each one competes to have a ever higher standard of health and safety. We strive in all the challenging industries with have pitched ourselves into. Coming out as a stronger more robust operator. Put us to the test!

Crematoria Rigging


That’s Crematoria, Churches, and Houses of Worship.

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Entertainment Sector


From Live events, to pre-recorded, Theatre, Sport, Film, Tv, Music and more

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Titular Municipal

Construction & Municipal

We have experience working in Rail, Maritime, Finance, Heritage, Municipal Buildings, Education and more.

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Titular Defence

Manufacturing, Defence & Enforcement

We group these industries as we are aware of how important it is for our work to have minimal effect on production.

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